School was fantastic, really. Yeah really. 7am to 6pm just for 1 hour of PW and 2.5 hours of CCA! I only read half a page of my book and spent the time talking to people/being crazy. Btw, only 9 people turned up for assembly in our class today. BEST.
Been so long since I touched the flute (well, just yesterday but that was the first time in a month or so), and I must say warming up helps alot. That was a random point, but yesh.
Jeslin and I ate at a shop selling traditionally baked bread before band (Idk what differences there are, but the loaves of bread look so soft and delicious!) I ordered a bowl of curry and bread while Jeslin had her french toast, both awesome. & i think she might be running with me for nike human race though she's not joining!! :D

Drew this on C's phone. More like really random scribbles, and I'm lazy to crop out the bottom (the toolbar was blocking it).
The joy of making abstract/accidental art after I've discovered Jackson Pollock. Okay, I guess I'm not really making a piece of Pollock since I didn't have any thoughts/feelings or a plan in mind when I did this so I have no right to call this a Pollock imitation, but well.. just about the kind of art any being can create with a sense of satisfaction. The sense of joy and satisfaction is what makes art great right?
Though I'm not too happy with some of the black lines. & the bottom, of course.
Gonna read my novel after editing some PW stuff.
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